Tuesday, December 15, 2009


                                                                                             December 12, 2009

Dear Family & Friends

 Year in Review – Nostalgia Edition

The Sisters Discover their Long-Lost Brother

I grew up in beautiful Canandaigua, New York with my parents and three lovely sisters. We had great times. Always laughing. And my sisters – so close-knit they wore matching outfits.

Sometimes they dispute my recollection of life in those idyllic days. They recall bickering, arguments, even conflict. But memory’s a funny thing and their memories aren’t that good. I discovered a couple years ago that for decades they had a sibling reunion in various posh resorty locales and forgot to invite their brother. Finally last year they remembered and in February the four of us and our spouses gathered in Phoenix at Carol and Tom’s resort-like home.

Easter at Mom’s

Every couple months I visit my Mom in Skaneateles. I look forward to the trips. I impress Mom with my ability to answer all the early round questions in “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” and she doesn’t make me watch “Dr. Phil.” Of course it’s not just play. I have to fill the bird feeder and make sure her car has gas.

Nicole, Christie and Suzanne all came out for Easter. We had a good time, but the girls refused to honor the Joy tradition and wear funny Easter hats.

Road Trip to British Columbia

In 1960 my family took our world-famous trek across America. My Dad drove the entire 10,775 miles – 29 days. This summer Suzanne and I swapped our Kauai timeshare for a place in the mountains of British Columbia. I convinced Stephen that if we flew his Mom out so that we didn’t have to spend five hours at Wall Drug, the two of us could drive there in three days.

Non-driving Christie provided moral support and Nicole decided to go to Japan. Even without Nicole it was fun and next time we drive through North Dakota we’re definitely going to stop at one of those dinosaur museums.

Triathlon Boy

Stephen is a 1st year Chem PhD candidate at NYU. This summer he started dabbling in triathlons. A few short ones then he decided to try a half-Ironman. He’s fast on the bike, but not so good on turning.

He moved back home for a month in August and then in early September we helped him move in to his new apartment near Greenwich village. He promises to not become a Yankee or Giants fan, but the Cubs and Bears are probably testing his loyalty.

The Fashionistas

Nicole is in her 4th year at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago. She switched her concentration this year from Fashion to Fashion accessories like hats. Maybe she should talk to my sisters.

Christie finished her first year at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. She studied fashion, but decided she wanted to pursue her education elsewhere. The else might be London, or California or maybe Chicago. She promises to let us know before she leaves. Meanwhile she’s working on her portfolio and has a part-time job at CVS. It’s great to have her home – and I’m ready to vote for her to stay in Chicago, but so far she hasn’t asked me.

Both of the girls have fashion stores on Etsy where they resell fashion items and their own creations. Nicole’s store is under construction. Christie’s store is named “RottenTapioca.” It’s easy to remember, I guess.

Acrylic by Christie                                                                         Necklace by Nicole

Do Not Go Gentle…

I stared a blog this year to chronicle my quest to become a competitive triathlete. My goal is to finish in the top ten of my age group in the USAT Age Group Championships when I turn sixty, which, inexplicably, is going to happen in less than a couple of years.

I also use the blog to ruminate on the challenges of becoming a published writer. I am now starting the fourth iteration of my novel, so I have a lot to ruminate on. The blog can be found at http://lenjoy.blogspot.com/ and is entitled “Do Not Go Gentle…”

I would not normally extend the Holiday Letter to three pages, but…

Life as We Know it is about to End – Suzanne Retires – Maybe

Suzanne started work in 1956 when she entered Kindergarten. Her professional career began in 1977 at the law firm of Schiff Hardin & Waite and continued with BP in 1993 where she eventually became Assistant General Counsel. They haven’t hired twelve people to replace her. Not yet. While I joke about the hours she worked, she somehow found time to…

 get married ...     


...graduate from Law School


...take a bike trip down the coast

                     visit London...

...have a baby

...go back to work      

                                   trick or treat...


...have another baby

                         try a permanant....

....have another baby

                       do gymnastics.....

...lift heavy objects

            spend time with her Dad...

...visit Phoenix

 enjoy sights of Sedona...

...let her kids grow up 
                                                                                                        but stay young at heart...

We hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season.

Len, Suzanne, Stephen, Nicole & Christie



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About Me

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Writer and triathlete. Member of Team USA. Three books published: American Past Time, Letting Go and Better Days. Lives in Evanston, IL with wife Suzanne.